Saturday, October 13, 2007

A New Low GI Chicken Recipe For The Family

I found a new recipe for Sunday night's dinner, it's a low gi chicken recipe so I thought it sounded good enough to try on the family. They had gotten a little spoilt with all the new dishes and then the repeats were fine for a while but 'the natives are getting restless again'.

So, as they all like chicken, I went looking for a new low gi chicken recipe and found this one. It makes up into a complete meal, so I didn't have to think about what to serve with it.

I've added it to my low gi recipe collection blog, you can take a look here
It's called Low G.I. Chicken & Ratatouille Wraps with Sweet Potato Mash and I found it on my local radio station website, no pretty pictures though.

If you try it I hope you like it.

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