Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Low GI Diets and The Benefits,

just found this on Wiki, it's about low GI diets and foods, remember the carrots being a medium GI well this is how it came about.....

From Wiki Books

Low-GI diet refers to a diet that advocates consumption of foods with a low glycaemic index (GI). The glycaemic index measures the rate at which the body converts the carbohydrate in a given food to glucose (blood sugar). A low-GI diet is important for people with diabetes, as either their bodies' insulin production is abnormal or their bodies are insulin resistant, restricting their ability to metabolise glucose.

However, low-GI diets have benefits for non-diabetics also. A high-GI diet results in peaks and troughs of energy throughout the day, whereas a low-GI diet results in a good level of sustained energy. Low-GI foods also tend to have a longer satisfaction period per calorie given the slow energy release, which is useful in maintaining a healthy weight loss/control diet.

It should be noted that, since the glycaemic index measures the rate at which the carbohydrate in the food is converted into glucose, it can be misleading for foods with a low quantity of carbohydrate. The carbohydrate in carrot has a medium GI but, since a carrot only is about 7% carbohydrate, it has a relatively small effect on the blood glucose. For this reason, some people advocate use of the glycaemic load (GL) instead, which is simply the GI divided by 100, times the quantity of carbohydrate (in grams).

Foods such as meat which have no carbohydrate have no GI.

A GI of up to 55 is low, 56-69 medium and 70+ high. Glucose has a GI of 100.

A GL of 10 or less is low, 11-19 medium and 20+ high.


Can get a little confusing, but I know I'm on the right path.

Be back soon

Low GI Diet Breakthrough, An Easy Diet To Follow

The more I research the more I like the idea of building up my low GI recipes. I started out wanting to control my carb intake and so reduce my weight. With Wesley Atkins' book The Low GI Diet Breakthrough there is so much information to help with the choices I need to make.

With this book I'm beginning to understand about low GI or glycemic index and the reason I've been adding the weight, it's through not understanding the carbohydrates in the low fat foods were responsible.

In Low GI Diet Breakthrough it is explained about how this works and why eating the low GI foods benefits the body so much. Also, the number of people who have followed what Wesley Atkins has in the ebook and have lost so much weight shows that this low GI diet plan works.

It all makes sense the way it is explained, it doesn't focus on the carbs you should not have or I should say, should limit but more on the type of carbohydrates you eat.

There is nothing worse than going on a diet and being restricted, I don't know about you, but when I can't have something that's when I want it the most. Just a bye the bye, when I stopped smoking I kept a pack and a half of my brand of cigarettes in the pantry, they were still there eight years later.

That's got not much to do with low GI foods or low GI diets only for the fact that with the low GI recipes there is such a fantastic variety to choose from, there are very little or no restrictions to worry about. No wonder so many people have lost weight by following this low GI diet plan, it's an easy diet to follow, you don't even realize your dieting.

Check out my low gi recipes for today, click here and be amazed at what you can eat on a low gi diet.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Low GI Foods Meats, Good Ones

Well now, what I've found with low GI and meats is really good for someone like me who loves meat, beef, lamb, pork and chicken.

Glycemic Index Listing for Meatlovers and A'fish'ionados
"Meats are a protein food, so as you see in the glycemic index listing they all have very little carbohydrate and therefore a very low GI."

That must by why the Lemon & Parsley Chicken, I added to my low GI recipe blog here, had such low carbs.

And........this is important too "Eating a good variety of protein from meats, eggs, dairy, grains, and legumes is a healthy way to make sure you're getting all the proteins your body needs." from the same source here.

The list for meats and seafood for their low glycemic index can be found here

It is interesting when you start to look at the different foods just how good a variety of foods you can eat to have yourself not so much of a diet but more a sensible eating plan that you can follow so easily.

Be back with more soon. I've found a few yummy snacks that I'm about to try out. If I like them I'll add them to my low GI recipe blog.

Will keep you posted.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

I'm Finding More About Low GI Recipes

While I've been looking for low GI recipes I realized that it's one thing to get a diet book but another to actually follow the diet. I think that having to cook from a 'diet' menu can be helpful but you do need to be organized with the ingredients. So................
I've set up a separate place for collecting my recipes, you can find it here My Low GI Recipes & Low GI Foods

I decided to look up and get to know all the different foods that have low GI. Many of them I eat already, so do you probably. so it's learning how to eat them properly for the most advantage to our bodies, that's health and weight control.

There are a couple of sites that have these foods listed. The one I found just now is here this is the fruit and vegie list.

Now what it does say is a low GI is considered to be < style="font-style: italic;">low GI recipes.

More On My Low GI Recipes Hunt.

I've found this low GI recipes site for a low GI diet, they have, with each recipe a break down of the nutritional information so I thought I would check on how many carbs I needed each day and found a site where I could work this out, so...........

My daily intake of carbs should be 235grms

To check on daily carbs, here's where I found the calculator.

My low GI recipes hunt is on. I've been researching and what I've found is, these low GI foods help you to feel not so hungry, which means you (me) won't be looking for those snacky things between meals and they also say that by adding just one low GI food to a meal will lower the glycemic index of the whole meal. Now how easy is that!

There is a pretty good list of GI foods here and they have separated them into three categories, low, medium and high. They are supposed to have recipes with these categories marked too, will get back to you on that.

Just a quick look through the low GI recipes on the site, some of them sound very tasty and there is even a low GI recipe for chocolate mousse with raspberries, now who wanting to lose weight and be healthy could complain about that. Makes you want to diet......

This internet is a great place for finding stuff

PS I've found an ebook too called The Low GI Diet Breakthrough

PPS and another ebook I could use too called Fit Over 40
This is what is offered before you buy that one

  • My FREE 10-Day Fat-Burning E-Course (Starting Today!)
  • Two “Mystery Gifts” worth over $180!
  • A FREE Chapter Sample from my book, “Fit Over 40”!
  • My FREE Weekly Newsletter, “Success For Life!”

  • Must admit it has been an interesting time so far, will catch you up on more tomorrow.

    Low GI Recipes

    What you may ask are low GI recipes and why might I be setting up a blog about them. Well, first of all what is low GI? I found this on the website called Home of the Glycemic Index. See the GI stands for Glycemic Index. Not what I'd call an inviting name but maybe one that sounds like it should be good for you. Here's what they said about Glycemic Index

    Not all carbohydrate foods are created equal, in fact they behave quite differently in our bodies. The glycemic index or GI describes this difference by ranking carbohydrates according to their effect on our blood glucose levels. Choosing low GI carbs - the ones that produce only small fluctuations in our blood glucose and insulin levels - is the secret to long-term health reducing your risk of heart disease and diabetes and is the key to sustainable weight loss. Home Of Glycemic Index

    This whole GI thing I thought was something I should look into. I've been fortunate most of my life not having to worry about gaining weight. Then I had one of those things that can happen to us all, a huge full stop in your life that makes you take stock of how you have been looking after your body. I guess because I never needed to watch what I ate, mind you I ate fairly healthily, well I thought I did. But after my big full stop, I had to go on a low fat diet.

    Now here's me thinking that the low fat products were fine and for that area of my diet they were. But........I started to put on weight, funny that, eating low fat and putting on weight seemed very strange until I was talking to someone one day and mentioned this, lo and behold! this person said, check the carbs in the low fat foods, that is probably the reason you are putting on weight. And..........hey! sure enough the carbs in all the low fat foods were so much higher than in the non low fat foods. No wonder I was putting on weight. I had my own business and worked long hours but it was not the type of work that would burn off all these extra carbs my body was taking in.

    Next step was to find out what all this was about and here I am at the learning about low GiI and how it can help me stage.

    So I'm off to find some good low GI recipes and maybe a low GI diet to go with them.

    When I find low GI recipes that I like, I'll post them up here for anyone interested in trying them too.

    Thought I might start with breakfast.
    Low GI is supposed to help with energy levels too I think.